The Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust – MAY 2018 UPDATE
The last couple of months have been very busy, Consultants working with the Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust have finalised their studies of the site at for the development of six affordable homes on the site at Chilcombe Field in Northleigh, we’ve attended a Wessex CLT gathering, updated our procedures and Privacy Policy in line with the new GDPR regulations coming into force at the end of the May and gained 20 new members!
Welcome to New Members
Our membership numbers continue to grow. We’d like to welcome all new members and thank you for your support. Please take a moment to look at our website at
The website contains lots of information and explains the background and story so far of the Community Land Trust and the project to build six affordable homes in Northleigh.
Please also take note of a few key documents that are on the website and linked to below (click on the title to open the link) that you should be aware of as members:
– The Rules of the Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust
– Our Code of Conduct for Members
The Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust now has 45 members. We want as many local people as possible to become members – if you know of people who may be interested please refer them to the membership form on our website (Click here for a link to the form) or ask them to pick up a form from one of the posters displayed in the Village Halls. Please note that all members of a household over 16 years old are eligible to join.
It would not normally be possible to develop an open-market housing development on a rural site such as Chilcombe Field. East Devon District Council however will consider granting permission for Affordable Housing schemes being built in the area if they are led by local organisations such as Community Land Trusts and have the support of the wider community. The Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust is supported by the three Parish Councils of Northleigh, Southleigh and Farway and many local people have already signed up to be members to show their support as well.
Feasibility Reports
The Consultants undertaking specialist surveys and producing reports looking at various aspects of the site and whether it will be feasible to develop six affordable houses on it have now completed their reports. The Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust Board alongside the Architect have reviewed each document and identified the key constraints that these studies impose on the site and its potential development. The reports and summary plans highlighting the key issues that they raise have been published on our website. Please click here to link to the news item on the website.
The reports are currently being reviewed by Teign Housing Association and their Cost Consultant in order to look at the potential overall costs of the project. In addition the CLT Board is arranging an initial meeting with East Devon District Council Planning Department and a Community Consultation Event to review the constraints on the site and possible layout options in order to feed into the next stage when a definitive proposal will be produced by the Architects for submission for Planning.
Summaries of Meetings
Minutes of the meetings held in relation to the project continue to be uploaded to the website. And can be viewed by clicking here.
Wessex CLTs Gathering
In April 2018 a representative of The Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust Board attended a Wessex CLT’s gathering. The event brought together many Community Land Trusts from across the South West and a series of presentations and discussions took place on a variety of subjects from Finance, the roles of Board members, membership procedures and the impact of the upcoming General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The event was very informative and we would like to thank Wessex Community Assets for organising it.
Website Updates
A number of other website updates have also been published online over the last few months:
Consultants Feasibility Studies (Click Here)
Privacy Policy (Click Here)
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulations come into effect on the 25th May 2018. This requires us to obtain your Consent by a positive opt-in for each way that we use your data. The personal information we hold includes your name, address, email and telephone number. Please click here to view the Privacy policy for the Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust on our website. We have analysed how we use your data and have listed them in a separate email that you will receive this week.
To continue to receive correspondence concerning your membership as well as these newsletters about the activities of the Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust please click on the link in the email and confirm your consent to receive email correspondence.
And Finally…
If you’ve only just found this email in your spam or junk mail box then please add the following two email addresses to your address book or trusted emails and it should ensure that you receive future correspondence from the Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust when it’s sent: