Over the last six months a series of surveys have been produced looking at the opportunities and constraints that may impact the development of the site at Chilcombe Field in Northleigh.
The Consultants undertaking specialist surveys and producing reports looking at various aspects of the site and whether it will be feasible to develop six affordable houses on it have now completed their reports. The Upper Coly Valley Community Land Trust Board alongside the Architect have reviewed each document and identified the key constraints that these studies impose on the site and its potential development.
The reports are currently being reviewed by Teign Housing Association and their Cost Consultant in order to look at the potential overall costs of the project. In addition the CLT Board is arranging an initial meeting with East Devon District Council Planning Department and a Community Consultation Event to review the constraints on the site and possible layout options in order to feed into the next stage when a definitive proposal will be produced by the Architects for submission for Planning.
The various reports are:
- A Topographical Survey measuring the site and looking at the boundaries, levels and features on it.
- An Ecological Survey looking at wildlife across the site.
- An Arboricultural and Tree Survey report focussing on the hedgerows and trees in the field.
- An Invasive Site Survey that has dug trial pits to assess the make up of the ground across the site as well as looking at how well the land drains and whether there are any contaminants there.
- A series of Engineering Constraints such as access to the site, road and traffic issues, visibility splays, levels and suitability of the ground for foundations, waste disposal and other services.
- An Architectural assessment utilising all of the above reports and considering other constraints such as view, orientation, site layout, massing and outline landscape proposals.
The sketch plans below summarise the key issues relating to each report. A link to the full document is also available.
Topographical Survey
The Topographical Survey measures the site and looks at the boundaries, levels and features on it. To see the full drawing click here.
Ecological Survey
The Ecological Survey looking at wildlife across the site. To see the full report click here.
Arboricultural and Tree Survey
The Arboricultural and Tree Survey report focussing on the hedgerows and trees in the field. To see the full report click here.
Site Survey
The Invasive Site Survey that has dug trial pits to assess the make up of the ground across the site as well as looking at how well the land drains and whether there are any contaminants there. To see the full site tests click here.
Engineering Reports
The Engineering Report looks at a series of Engineering Constraints such as access to the site, , visibility splays, levels and suitability of the ground for foundations, waste disposal and other services. To see the full report click here.
Architectural Assessment
Finally, the Architectural assessment utilising all of the above reports and considering other constraints such as view, orientation, site layout, massing and outline landscape proposals establishes the key constraints across the site. These reports will now be utiltised to develop sketch options for further consultation with East Devon District Planners and at a Local Community Consultation Event.