The Upper Coly Valley’s Affordable Housing Need

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Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025
In August 2014 following discussions with East Devon District Council, Devon Communities Together (formerly the Community Council of Devon) produced a Housing Needs Report reviewing the housing need in the four parishes of Northleigh, Southleigh, Farway and Widworthy.
Devon Communities Together is an independent charity with over 50 years’ experience of community development work, working with communities to help them resolve and progress the matters that are important to them.
The survey found 6 respondents who met the East Devon District Council connection requirements in housing need who could not afford to buy or rent on the open market.
The survey was carried out using the standard methodology approved by local planners and had been commissioned to investigate the affordable housing need, tenure and house size for local people in the four parishes as well as the general level of support for a small development of affordable homes for local people with housing needs. The Survey delivered 470 forms of which 32% were returned. 48% of those replying favoured a small development of affordable homes for local people, 18% were against the proposal and 34% did not answer the question.
The report outlined the nature of the four parishes and the number of households in each parish. There was a total of 460 households in the parishes of which only 73 (16%) were in the lower two Council Tax bands which represent the entry level properties that people needing affordable housing would be able to afford.
The report’s findings suggested that a mix of three 1 bed properties and three 2 bed properties would suitably accommodate the housing need requirement identified in the report. The full report can be read here.